FRP modeling crafts

The fifth crafts of Chinese lantern crafts is FRP modeling crafts (玻璃钢工艺), it evolving from sculpture. Today FRP modeling crafts is usually used on Landscape Lantern in subsidiary decoration and making face of lantern character . This crafts depended on skill of sculpturer, in the two articles: Chinese fancy lantern and the ACG 1 Chinese fancy lantern and the ACG 2 I’ve told...

Agglutination crafts

The forth crafts of Chinese lantern crafts is agglutination crafts (粘结工艺), it evolving from traditional Chinese lantern making crafts of paper hanger. Now, the agglutination crafts is usually used on special material lantern complexes in the Lantern Festival. This crafts depended on skill of a paper hanger, women were fitting for this job. Agglutination crafts can agglutinate many material...

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