Binding crafts

The third crafts of Chinese lantern crafts is binding  crafts (捆扎工艺), it evolving from traditional Chinese lantern making crafts of carpenter. Now, the binding crafts is usually used on special material lantern complexes in the Lantern Festival. This crafts depended on skill of traditional Chinese lantern maker, you must employ many lantern maker for binding the special material, this is a very mammoth job.

Follow my pictures, you can understand the steps of binding crafts.

This is the hundred-metres porcelain dragon, and we made this dragon near the Ontario Palace river in Canada Chinese Lantern Festival. It’s the highlighting lantern complex of this Lantern Festival.

1. Blueprint



2. Binding the porcelains

Binding the porcelains

Binding the porcelains

Binding the porcelains for other lantern complex

Binding the porcelains for other lantern complex

3. Assemble and install

Assemble and install

Assemble and install

4. Finished the hundred-metres porcelain dragon

Finished the hundred-metres porcelain dragon

Finished the hundred-metres porcelain dragon

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  1. gce says:


  2. anika and shakaea says:

    that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome never seen some thing so alsome like your dragin

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