Iron wire modeling crafts

Lantern Festival Homepage > About Chinese Lantern > Iron wire modeling crafts

The first crafts of Chinese lantern crafts is the iron wire modeling crafts (丝扎工艺造型), it evolving from the wood modeling crafts of Chinese lantern, in the modern time, the iron wire modeling crafts became the most wildly used crafts on the large-size and custom lantern complex making.

The result depends on the fitter level, there must prepared great fitters and great lantern art designing.

Follow my pictures, you can understand the steps of iron wire modeling crafts.

1.Peking Opera lantern design

Peking Opera lantern design

Peking Opera lantern design

2. Lofting the lantern design



3. Copy mode

Copy mode

Copy mode

4. Welding



5. Semi-manufactured lantern

Semi-manufactured lantern

Semi-manufactured lantern

6. Finished lantern

Finished lantern

Finished lantern

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